Tuesday, September 22, 2009

testing, testing....2 days in a row.

wow...it's been forever since i posted. school is keeping me verrrry busy...as is having two jobs. yes, i went two months with no job, and now i have two! crazy! i keep feeling like something very important is going to fall through the cracks, but i've got to make up for two months with no income and all the same bills! also still waiting for student loand/financial aid to be straight. mailed a big, fat $1.00 (no, not a typo. one dollar) check to cabot high school so that they would send my transcript to hcc. i guess they didn't feel it necessary to let me know that they needed an entire dollar and a SASE to send your transcript when i sent them the transcript request the first time! thanks, CHS, let's goooooo RED! ugh.

had my first tests this week. one in poli sci and one in early american history. think i did pretty okay, but i guess we'll see. i should find out my grade on the poli sci test in class tomorrow. i'm pretty excited to see how i did. the test was multiple choice, true/false, and then had an essay question. i felt pretty good about most of it, i just hope my essay wasn't too short. i definitely did well on the early american history test...my teacher lets us use our study guide on the test, so i wrote tons of notes on it!

i've also been helping the new owners of my old bar get familiar with the process of running a super busy event bar, and so far i'm really excited to be working with/for them. i don't have to manage the place and do everything myself, which is the best part! right now i am helping out a lot and putting in a lot of time and work, but soon i'll get to just sling drinks and count my cash! it's gonna be so great! the new owner/management group seems really cool and wants to do a lot of exciting, if not ambitious, things, and if they do it right and these new things work, we'll all make a fair amount of money. sounds good to me!

we'll see if the other job at rick's on the river will accommodate the demanding schedule of the new dave andreychuk's grille: lattitudes at channelside. i have a feeling i'll soon be back to only one job!

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