Monday, September 28, 2009

broke college kids and a-holes are a crappy combo

so i am totally loving school. i am totally not loving the impact that school has on my ability to make lots of money. or any money, really. i am loving being a college kid. i am hating being a broke college kid.

found out that taking my old bartending job back will result in me basically losing my new serving/bartending job. i really need/want both jobs. but since right now i am all about instant gratification and not having my electricity shut off or car repo'ed...i'm gonna have to choose the old bar job since it is bartending and way more money.

i sort of understand where the new serving/bartending job guys are coming schedule is already limited because of my classes, and they don't want to work with me on all the requests off i'd have to make to accommodate the old gig...but still...they hired me as a bartender and have me serving almost every shift. i do not make even half of what i was told i'd average per week there either. despite both of these things, i never bitch and complain, i'm always on time and always do a bang-up job. guess none of that matters if you go out and get another bar job though. pretty crappy, i think.

this weekend was both awesome (sugarland concert at old job...made good $) and complete shit (made $35 sunday night at new job and had a $34 walk-out...made $1), so i am feeling pretty frustrated right now. that, coupled with the fact that cabot high school has still not sent my transcript to school and my student loans are still not completed, has made this whole week stress my broke ass out!

now i must go learn everything i can about the totalitarian state and the rise and fall of stalin's USSR for an essay test on wednesday.

please remember...if you happen to find some extra money lying around that you don't need...send it to meeeeee!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

testing, testing....2 days in a row.'s been forever since i posted. school is keeping me verrrry is having two jobs. yes, i went two months with no job, and now i have two! crazy! i keep feeling like something very important is going to fall through the cracks, but i've got to make up for two months with no income and all the same bills! also still waiting for student loand/financial aid to be straight. mailed a big, fat $1.00 (no, not a typo. one dollar) check to cabot high school so that they would send my transcript to hcc. i guess they didn't feel it necessary to let me know that they needed an entire dollar and a SASE to send your transcript when i sent them the transcript request the first time! thanks, CHS, let's goooooo RED! ugh.

had my first tests this week. one in poli sci and one in early american history. think i did pretty okay, but i guess we'll see. i should find out my grade on the poli sci test in class tomorrow. i'm pretty excited to see how i did. the test was multiple choice, true/false, and then had an essay question. i felt pretty good about most of it, i just hope my essay wasn't too short. i definitely did well on the early american history teacher lets us use our study guide on the test, so i wrote tons of notes on it!

i've also been helping the new owners of my old bar get familiar with the process of running a super busy event bar, and so far i'm really excited to be working with/for them. i don't have to manage the place and do everything myself, which is the best part! right now i am helping out a lot and putting in a lot of time and work, but soon i'll get to just sling drinks and count my cash! it's gonna be so great! the new owner/management group seems really cool and wants to do a lot of exciting, if not ambitious, things, and if they do it right and these new things work, we'll all make a fair amount of money. sounds good to me!

we'll see if the other job at rick's on the river will accommodate the demanding schedule of the new dave andreychuk's grille: lattitudes at channelside. i have a feeling i'll soon be back to only one job!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

1st week down...4 years to go!

i knew i would enjoy going back to school. i just didn't realize how much! it's funny how much of a difference being ten years older makes. in one of my classes there is another gal who is older, probably mid-thirties, and we are the only two who talk during class! by talk during class i mean engage in the discussion that our professor is trying to get going.

we had our first writing assignment and i got a comment back from the teacher: "excellent! very well written!" go me! i mean, i did win "best writer" in my creative writing class the first time i went to college, so i really wasn't surprised! ha! yeah, right...i was surprised and very excited! although, it was an opinion piece for political science, so of course i didn't have to really think about it, i just had to think about how i would structure the writing. knowing what i wanted to say was the easy part there!

i'm still a little bored with early american history...mostly because i just don't like early american history. i like contemporary (or modern) american history so much more! start me out in 1900 and i'll be good! the only thing i find interesting before that would be the writing of the constitution and the founding fathers, for two main reasons: people today like to paint the founding fathers as virtuous near-saints, and they weren't at all! reason number two is simply the endless debates we could have over interpreting parts of the constitution, like the right to bear arms or seperation of church and state.

the religious right likes to say that this country was founded on religous principles and invoke "in God we trust" and claim that the constitution doesn't have anything in it that would call for the seperation of church and state. the establishment and free excercise clauses of the first amendment says that "congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the fee excercise thereof." i just wonder what the religious right thinks those words mean!

but i digress. anyway, i have had so much fun going to classes and reading textbooks and feeling passionate about school! i haven't really been excited or felt passionate about what i was doing for a long time...with the exception of volunteering at the spca and helping out homeless puppy dogs! let's just hope this fire doesn't burn out anytime soon!