Saturday, February 6, 2010

rantings at 1:30 am

i really think i'm a pretty nice person. easy to get along with, easy to deal with...i'll pretty much make it a point to go out of my way for someone, and i'll almost always support people's ideas - no matter how weird, unattainable, far-fetched, or outright retarded they may be. but lately, there is a certain person whom i must deal with quite frequently who has taken a particularly fervent disliking to me, and i can't quite figure out why. since i can't totally avoid dealing with said person, i just avoid it as much as humanly possible - yet i still receive an absurd amount of shitty treatment. not okay.

so...people...if, for some reason, you find that someone in your life (personal OR professional) has done something to make you should TELL THEM WHAT IT WAS. not doing so and abruptly changing the way you treat them is totally unfair and dickish. not to mention that it makes you look like you have no balls.

okay...all done. off to sleep.

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