Wednesday, June 24, 2009

first post from the land of boredom.

i need a job. this is the first time since i was 16 that i have not had a job...and i hate not having a job. seriously...outside of being broke now that i have been jobless for almost a month...i am terribly bored.

my dogs get long walks twice a day, i have gone out distributing resumes printed on expensive paper to no avail, i have applied to every job posted on any job site i am qualified for, many that i am not qualified for, and many that i am overqualified for. i should have some interviews next week...hopefully they will result in a boredom cure. and a paycheck.

i've been watching a lot of news. the prostests in iran are so melancholy and hopeful at the same time. too bad it looks like the election results will not be reviewed and things will remain the same for even longer over there. the governor of south carolina was visiting his mistress while he went AWOL. hilarious and ironic coming from the guy who voted in favor of three out of four articles of impeachment against bill clinton...calling for "moral legitimacy". really? republicans are awesome.

i've also tried to figure out twitter. it is either stupid or broken. despite having clicked "follow" on what seems like 100 people, i am following no one. glad i spent time setting that crap up.

i am off to the dubliner to try to get a bartending job. i was really hoping i would get a big-girl job again...but that is proving quite difficult. at least i don't have to bring one of my resumes...a tight, low-cut shirt and blue jean skirt will probably be more influential than all of my outside sales and contract negotiation experience anyway.

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