Monday, April 26, 2010

i need to see something that is NOT numbers...

it is finals time, and i have been studying for an algebra test. my brain is hurting and my eyeballs feel very stressed out. they have not stared at things like radicals and denominators and letters in math problems in a very long time. i do not like anything math-related, and this intense hatred includes all math classes. despite my loathing of said subject, i am actually doing rather well in the class, and only have two more tests to go before i can move on to the next level of horrible math. ugh.

anyway, i am basically here to relieve myself of math homework and take a break. so i will do a quick catch-up of what i've been up to lately.

i am working a lot...i only have one day off this week. thank you, heather. no, that is not sarcasm, it is a genuine thank you!

i just created a profile on in the hopes that it will force me to fit in at least one mile per day like the name alludes to. we will see how well it works.

i have been so busy with work and school lately that those are the only things i've had time for...and i miss my homies! shout out to d and c-dogg...

i signed up for three summer classes...nine hours...what an idiot! i've GOT to fit in a trip home at some point...i haven't been home in nearly two years. not okay.

i am still waiting for the day to come when i drive by hot tuna and see it all closed down. i really hope the owner loses everything. as much as i hate cliches...karma is a total bitch...he deserves to have bad things happen to him for the way he treated a lot of really awesome people.

i still regret not figuring out a way to take a picture of said asshole's ex-girlfriend (who he is still totally in love with, by the way) making out with an old guy at my new bar while completely shitfaced and send it to him. yep...i'd revel in the chance to crush would make my day.

i miss my sister. and i'm totally jealous that she gets to live in germany!

i did an extra credit project for my modern american history class that was all about downtown little rock and it made me really sad! i miss the rock!

two hands makes some of the best shiraz ever. i will be buying bottles of gnarly dudes and angel's share very soon.

one of my headlights on my prius is out, and i don't know isn't the bulb, which is a major bummer.

we got our tickets for dave this year...wednesday show in tampa and friday saturday in west palm. i'm super pumped and have been listening to live dmb ever since i got the package with the tickets in it.

i have yawned about four times in 45 seconds, so i think that is the sign for me to hit the sack.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

late night inspirations are such a pain!

i just finished writing and typing a paper for my introduction to philosophy class titled "an examination of 'values' in today's political climate" and am, of course, all fired up and want to keep ranting and raving!!! i really need to go to bed since i am going to try to get up early enough to get a run in before i have to get ready for work and go pull a double.

but, as you can see, no such luck. so here i go...

as much as i like my philosophy professor, i despise the class. it is painfully boring and completely pretentious, but i have managed to fake it through every test. luckily, for the gordon rule requirement, my professor requested that we write a paper focusing on some aspect of philosophy and how it is applied to some subject we are interested in. not a research paper or any sort of pseudo-scholarly attempt at a paper...basically an op-ed piece. slam-dunk! i got this, son!

so i examined the frustration i have with the republican party hijacking the term "values" and making it synonymous with their own ideals. it was a fun paper to write.

but i did not sign on tonight to further write about this paper. during this particular class, i am often struggling to stay awake, and must occupy my mind and body so as not to pass out from sheer boredom. so i write things that i fully intend to type up here later. this keeps my mind away from the line seperating "learning mode" from "dormant mode" and gives me something to do with my hands. it also serves two other, bigger purposes: it keeps me from looking like a slacker who sleeps in class AND it makes me look like an engaged, eager to learn student who is a champion note-taker. score two points for me and my awesomeness.

flipping through my philosophy notebook tonight, making sure i didn't miss any important information i'd intended to include in my "values" paper, i came across several blog beginings and thought i should at least log on and write has been over a month, after all.

given my propensity for politically-charged rantings, i had plenty of material to write about the latest goings on: a debate i had with a bar customer at the shithole i don't work at anymore, an open letter to the entire democratic party (which needs some fine-tuning...i really wanna get that one right), and a response to the latest controversial decision handed down by the supreme court regarding campaign finance.

i fully intend to come back to all of those rough drafts and post them soon. but for now i have gotten my blog fix...even if it was pretty unsubstantial and really didn't acheive much in the way of conveying ideas.

i told you late night inspirations are a pain! seems like such a good idea until you're knee-deep in shit. like i am now. good-night, friends...i'll write again soon.