Wednesday, January 20, 2010

facebook fun

i like it when i can use facebook as a soapbox. today, i had this exchange with one of my arkansas friends:
***DISCLAIMER***I typed this verbatum using that cool feature offered by Windows 7 where you can have two windows up at a time. Spelling and grammar errors are not my own.

ARKANSAS FRIEND'S STATUS: Why are all my democrat friends so quite tonight? Nothing to say? Afraid you're going to lose your gov't handouts? Hmmmmm...... ***crickets***

COMMENTER A: hehehehehehehehehe! mine too!


COMMENTER C: I'm here my Republican friend! Me and mine work damn hard, so we're def not getting any handouts. Matter a fact I'm about tired of handing out our money! LOL!

ARKANSAS FRIEND: I'm sure you do work hard but unfortunatly there are those out there that don't! I think one should have to work for what they get. It's sad that the democratic party doesn't think so. I feel that real "Change" is on the way come November!!!

COMMENTER B: If I have anything to say about it, damn right!

COMMENTER D: I dont really fit in with either of the parties...and I have NO idea what you are refering too...but I am all for helping those that are TRYING to help themselves, but for whatever reason cant or can't fully. But I certainly dont want to help anyone sit on their butt all day because they don't WANT to work. I dont want to either, but I have to! :)

COMMENTER E: I'm neither dempocrat or republican but I'm wondering how many republicans took advantage of bail out money and stimulus checks without batting an eye?

ME: considering a majority of the bailout money was given to big business and banks...i'd say most of thise recipients were republicans. interesting....

ARKANSAS FRIEND: Marissa - how can you back that up? I don't think it really matters who is getting it. What matters is who is giving it all away. Guess it doesn't matter how much debt we stack up, it'll be our children who will be stuck to repay it right? Obama is on course to spend more in 20 months than Bush spent in 8 years. When are we gonna hold people responsable for their own short comings and quit bailing them out. I'll tell you when...When the democrats are out of office! Don't bitch when republicans have to raise your taxes to pay it all back!

ME: This won't fit in one comment, so i have to post two. Number one, "Republicans" is the right answer based on simple demographics. Secondly, most of that isn't new spending though, it is continued spending started by the prior administration that they can't just arbitrarily stop now. It doesn't matter who is in charge anyway, none of them work together so nothing will ever get done right. All politicians, Ds or Rs, are mostly self-preservationists who focus not on their constituents, but on getting re-elected. None of them can stop fighting long enough to fix anything...much less everything.

But the Bush administration started the ball can't spend without simply doesn't work. Regardless of party affiliation, all Americans benefit from the United States being a social welfare state...we should start realizing that paying taxes affords us many of the liberties which we enjoy that other countries do not.

I'm not blaming everything on Bush or the republicans, nor am I coming to the defense of Obama and the dems, I'm just saying that sometimes even the staunchest of republicans or most liberal of democrats can learn from each other and work together to achieve common goals, even if it means they have to make conpromises...but I don't think the current crop of politicos in DC are capable of eaither.

Don't worry (ARKANSAS FRIEND)....come midterm elections you'll get your republican congress back! And even then, getting nothing done will remain status-quo.

Having said that, my answer to (COMMENTER E)'s question was simply stating fact, not blasting the GOP. (Even though that IS my favorite thing to do :) !!!)


Sunday, January 17, 2010

touching base...that means i'm safe, right?

wow...haven't posted a blog in a loooooooong while. back in school and trying to work every chance i get at the job. tomorrow is MLK day, and the only plans i have are to go to busch gardens and do a little algebra homework, so hopefully i'll have some time to catch up on this little blog since i totally love writing in it!

but in the meantime, i'll just play catchup with the most important things that come to mind or are just right off the top of my head...

i made straight a's last semester. that was pretty sweet.

i love my new little dog i adopted from the puppy dog pound. her name is juno.

i'm totally bummed that it took some huge network drama to get people to watch conan. hello, people...conan is super smart and completely hilarious!

i'm pumped that ryan mallett is staying at arkansas next year. he's awesome.

i want the cooler weather to come back to florida, 'cause i got three pairs of uggs for christmas and i can't bring myself to wear them in warm weather for fear of looking like a dumbass.

i'm super sad about the tragic hurricane in haiti, but am proud of all of the efforts made to help them recover and rebuild.

i don't understand all the hype over the new movie "avatar"...i have exactly zero interest in seeing it.

i need to go to sleep now so i'll have energy tomorrow to play at busch gardens.